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Check in 16:00 PM
Check out 10:00 AM

Free left luggage for early check-in and late check-out

Mon-Fry 9-17
Sat-Sun 9-12

Our Offers

    “Gladiatores Agony and Sports – Weapons and Armor of the Roman Empire”


    “Gladiatores Agony and Sports – Weapons and Armor of the Roman Empire”: the exhibition traces the history of the armament gladiatorial from the fourth century BC until the beginning of the second century A.D. Ordered in six different sections, collect weapons and armor used in arena sports: boxing gloves. spears, throwing discs, musical instruments and tragic masks.

    The gladiatorial games became an extremely popular phenomenon. The exhibition allows you to discover the various classes of gladiators: the Thraeces, recognizable by their curved sword; Hoplomachi, equipped with high greaves; Sagittarii, equipped with bows and arrows.

    “Gladiatores Agony and Sports – Weapons and Armor of the Roman Empire”
    Stadio di Domiziano – Piazza Navona
    Opening Hours
    From Monday to Sunday 10.00-19.00
    Saturday 10.00-20.00
    Ticket Prices
    € 8,00